Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shahzia Sikander

Shahzia Sikander was born in 1969 in Lahore, Pakistan. Her work presents a mysterious feeling.

It is hard to tell this smog like thing. It may look like some clouds. But I can see a fiere-looking thing( face?) standing out of the picture in the middle of the drawing.  The artist did a nice job of shading, apprently.

This drawing presents a man surrounding by assault rifles like AK47s or something like these. It seems that the man is quite fond of  meditation, which did not give much attention toward these weapons. The whole picture looked like a whired one .

I cannot figure out what these objects are. These look like flowers if bird view is used, or another possibililty, a lot of sun umbrellas near the sea shore or it could be a part of the sunset process. The colors vary from light red to nearly dark black, which is quite random.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


There is not much information about this artist. All I know is that this person is Italian who was born in 1952.

The artist did not use too many colors in this piece of work, however, it looks realistic since the creator used different densities in various areas subtly. The artist is very good at shading (colors of the sea, clouds, sky) and I really appreciate the effect that the sun lilght went through the cloud. Besides, the artist did a nice job of these curvy profiles, which illustrates the movement of the sea.

Unlike the fierce sea illustrated above, the snowy mountain keeps still, which forms a strong comparison.  Compared with the previous one, the sky in this picture is a bit simpler. However, I think the mountain is the real hard part for drawing due to its irregular shape and the subtle changes between the interface of scarce snow and the mountain surface.

I cannot really tell what this picture is. It seems that some people get involved in the drawing or it just shows the burning period of some firewood. The artist used warm colors like red, orange at the top part then switched to dark cold complement colors, which forms a strong visual impact.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Amelie Von Wulffen

Amelie Von Wulffen was born in 1966 in Breitenbrunn, Germany. Now she lives and works in Berlin and Vienna.

This picture presents a lively garden and three gorgeous girls. The garden is wonderful, as can be seen from the outside. The application of green and red is quite a kind of visual stimulation, which makes the whole painting a noticeable one. Besides the profile of the redhead, there are two semitransparent girls at the right bottom corner. The thing I admire most is the profound technique which renders these two floating above the background.

This one uses the same technique just like the first one. The only difference is that the girls are replaced by a formidable looking character. The painting shows a lake side view. One thing that is interesting is about the golf in the middle of the air, which replaces the normal sun. The whole painting uses a lot of dark colors which gives out a sad feeling.

This picture shows an imaginary woman which enables me to associate with a bird due to these feather like things around her. The creator used a lot of colors that makes the figure unrealistic. In general, the drawing gives me a messy feeling, which may be resulted from these feathers and numerous colors or may be that is the destination the creator wants to achieve.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pavel Pepperstein

It is said that Pavel Pepperstein is one of the most influential artist of Russia's new generation. He is also one of those founders of an art group called Inspection Medical Hermeneutics.

The picture shows that two men are fighting each other fiercely. At first glance, I do not think it  is a simple picture but contains some political meanings. My personally feeling is that these two men probably standed for two different countries which were engaged in the war during that time. There are not many colors contained in the drawing, so I guess the artist may want to express something else.

Intuitively, I thought it was a snowy background. However, the artist did not use too much shading effect to present the sonw directly. Instead, the artist used these footprints to indicate the snowy ground, which is really subtle. The dark heavy edge makes the ground three dimensional, which is also confusing at the same time. I am very fond of these trunks and smoggy atmosphere. I just cannot figure out what are these characters doing. It seems that the right wants to lead the other one who appears to be very reluctant obviously.

I have no idea about who the man is.  Pale face, bald head, sharp eyes, he reminds me of Voldemort in Harry Potter at first sight. I think the artist successfully created an impressive character which is relevant to these negative words like cold, brutal, mean, greedy and so on. At least that is my subjective feelilng.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Robin Rhode

Robin Rhode is a South African artist and lives in Germany now. The artist used a new perspective of art which is quite different from those I saw in the past.
I think this kind of artwork is really unique and amazing as well. If we only consider the person lying on the ground and ignore the rest part, it appears to be meaningless or even silly. However, when the artist combined these two parts into an integrated one, it is quite interesting. The lying person is in the middle of the air, which is motional instead of a rest one.  The same principle applies to the other two pictures. A man, some leaves and a willow, three isolated parts, begin to interact when they are put together. However, the third one is quite opposite to the first one, which enables the man to be the rest part, whereas the stonelike objects have a falling motion.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chloe Piene

Chloe Piene is an American artist having German and Jewish parentage who is known for skeletal and morbid drawings.

This picture depicts human skull anatomies. I am quite fond of this livling anatomy.  It is interesting that the picture remains some organs of a living person such as eyes, ears, hairs and muscles arounnd the woman's neck, which renders her vivid. It remains me of a kind of blue x-ray glasses that can penetrate partial human bodies in a movie. I also like some details like these teeth and the nosebone that make the drawing a precise one.

Compare with the one I mentioned above, this one appears to be somewhat appalling because one of the characters is a mother who is usually viewed a caretaker becomes a creepy skeleton. What is worse, the mother is not a pure skeleton but looks like some kind of living zombie due to partial skin and her gesture and the child is definitely not a lovely one. Therefore, I am not fond of this one emotionally but I have to admit it has these unique traits.

The creature depicted in the picture looks exactly like a legendary unicorn except a redundant horn and wings or it can be recognized as a common mule simply. One thing I find a little weired is the lengths of its feet.  I feel the creature is standing on an inclined surface and it makes sense if the thing behind it can be regared as a trunk. This drawing does not contain obvious shadows like these illustrated above and as a result, it looks less three dimensional.                                                                                     

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jockum Nordström

Jockum Nordström is a swedish artist who is best known for his collages, drawings and paintings as well.

This drawing probably depicts one of scenarios of a horrible movie making process. It is easy to see a black fuzzy claw is reaching toward a woman, which terrifies her. There is a chimp-like man standing outside the door, wants to get access to her. Perhaps there is a third character-- the figure who has an octopus head. There are two things that confuse me. First, why are these people and objects all covered in blue while the white floor still exists between the stage and them? Second, why are these colors inside the door all vivid whereas these things outside the door consist of black and white only?

The drawing illustrates the scenario of hunting at an ancient age, possibly. It seems that the man standing above is calling on his hound to make preparation for a hunting. Another man holding a shaft, is about to stab a deer near by. Athough the drawing is a plain type without too many decorations, the whole one presents me a natural sense.

It is likely that this picture shows the situation inside an office. The very dark frames of these chairs enable these things to stand out, which is a sort of three dimension. Another thing I like is the colour of these desks. It is so natural that I may regard these desks as a part of a picure which is in a less hd form. However, I am not fond of the background much compared with the things I have mentioned before. Because it is so vague that I cannot exactly tell where the light is from.