It is said that Pavel Pepperstein is one of the most influential artist of Russia's new generation. He is also one of those founders of an art group called Inspection Medical Hermeneutics.
The picture shows that two men are fighting each other fiercely. At first glance, I do not think it is a simple picture but contains some political meanings. My personally feeling is that these two men probably standed for two different countries which were engaged in the war during that time. There are not many colors contained in the drawing, so I guess the artist may want to express something else.
Intuitively, I thought it was a snowy background. However, the artist did not use too much shading effect to present the sonw directly. Instead, the artist used these footprints to indicate the snowy ground, which is really subtle. The dark heavy edge makes the ground three dimensional, which is also confusing at the same time. I am very fond of these trunks and smoggy atmosphere. I just cannot figure out what are these characters doing. It seems that the right wants to lead the other one who appears to be very reluctant obviously.
I have no idea about who the man is. Pale face, bald head, sharp eyes, he reminds me of Voldemort in Harry Potter at first sight. I think the artist successfully created an impressive character which is relevant to these negative words like cold, brutal, mean, greedy and so on. At least that is my subjective feelilng.
The pale bald man is Alexander Litvinenko (google him) - russian ex-spy who was murdered in London in 2006.