Wednesday, April 13, 2011


There is not much information about this artist. All I know is that this person is Italian who was born in 1952.

The artist did not use too many colors in this piece of work, however, it looks realistic since the creator used different densities in various areas subtly. The artist is very good at shading (colors of the sea, clouds, sky) and I really appreciate the effect that the sun lilght went through the cloud. Besides, the artist did a nice job of these curvy profiles, which illustrates the movement of the sea.

Unlike the fierce sea illustrated above, the snowy mountain keeps still, which forms a strong comparison.  Compared with the previous one, the sky in this picture is a bit simpler. However, I think the mountain is the real hard part for drawing due to its irregular shape and the subtle changes between the interface of scarce snow and the mountain surface.

I cannot really tell what this picture is. It seems that some people get involved in the drawing or it just shows the burning period of some firewood. The artist used warm colors like red, orange at the top part then switched to dark cold complement colors, which forms a strong visual impact.

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